Flawless registration of the amount and type of packaging on location
The administration of packaging is often quite a challenge. The manual management of the packaging flows takes time and requires discipline from employees. And even despite all efforts, frequently there are differences in the numbers or receipts do get lost. With the packaging module, manual actions are automated, using a mobile app.
In order to keep a correct packaging administration, the driver serves as a centre point in this labour-intensive process, where individual receipts must be filled in and signed. Afterwards, they must be handed in at the office, to create an overview. This error-prone process is now something of the past.
On site, the driver will register the amounts and type of packaging that was unloaded and/or loaded, via the Driver app. This information is stored centrally and can be made instantly visible for the organisation and for the client. This way, the administrative handling of the packaging is done quickly and without errors.
Want to know where all your packaging went? With the reliable RFID-Tag, you always know where your assets are at, so they can easily be scheduled according to order and will be deployable. As a result, the invoicing can be handled automatically and flawlessly. This will save your organisation time and costs.
Flawless registration of the amount and type of packaging on location
No more manual overviews being created
Full overview of the location of the packaging and what exchanges have taken place
Quicker invoicing/crediting of packaging
Find out how our fleet and asset management solutions can help your business reduce your carbon footprint and streamline processes. Contact us for more information.