Vision on Asset Management

GPS-Buddy on tv show the New Economy

At the end of February, our new operations director Oscar van der Spruit was interviewed for RTL Z's New Economy programme. The subject of this item is the added value of data for Construction & Infra companies. In these sectors, enormous profits can be made by having a grip on the entire fleet of vehicles and equipment. Not just on vehicles or large equipment, but also on smaller equipment such as concrete mixers, aggregates or attachments.

Asset Tag with RFid technology

Get more control over the vehicles with our modular fleet management solutions, which can be used to determine location, read tachograph information or optimise routes, among other things. For an overview of moving assets without a battery, we have developed a small smart Asset Tag using RF technology.

Digital overview of equipment

In the RTL Z item Adri Dekker, Manager Technical Service of Infra & Recycling specialist Van Werven, explains how they want to automate the current manual process of keeping track of the many separate components. They are going to use our new Asset Tags and accompanying software for this, so that all the (small) equipment belonging to the vehicles they rent out will be digitally registered. This will save a lot of time and Van Werven will be able to plan much easier and more efficient.

If you would like more information about the many solutions offered by GPS-Buddy, please call or e-mail us.